Wednesday, April 3, 2013


I feel like my life is going at full speed these days.

I don't know what it is about being here, in my little island, that makes me feel like this, but I both love it and dread it. Days go by in a haze and I never have time to do anything, but yet, somehow, they feel like childhood summer days, both eternally long and gone in a second. I visit family and old friends, and just when I think I'll have some days to relax and stay home enjoying the sun and warmth... it's time to pack my things again and take a flight. But I miss Partner, and Oath does too, and I'm not sure I could manage to stay longer.
It is a strange mix of feelings, to be honest.

All of this, coupled with the fact that I do not have my own computer with me, have kept me away from the blog. This and Instagram, as I said in my last post... but now my Instagram app died on my and blew up my hopes of doing a 365 project. 3 days in and I failed. Again. I have taken the pictures, though, so maybe I manage to revive the app and make up for it.

For now, know that I'm alive, chugging along in the kind of alternate reality that is being far from home.

Oath's mom

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