Thursday, January 31, 2013

January evaluation

So, how has my January plan gone? According to my yearly plan it was the study month. Well... if there's anything I am completely sure this month, is that I have studied. A lot.

I had two exams (subjects A and B), and essay (B) and a presentation (B), plus two more essays for subject A that I did not mention on my plan because I was still brainwashed from all the effort. I did everything I had to do: the end result was sometimes good and sometimes not that good, of course, but for having to juggle the writing, studying and preparing with caring for an active boy, Christmas with the family and traveling, I'd say I did the best I could.

The results? All passed! I did not do too good on subject B, as I got a mere 5/10, but hey, I passed and that's what matters right now! Some years ago I would be all sad and down about this, but I've had to learn that my priorities change, and this reflects it: my kid goes first, even if it takes away time that could have been used to get great grades. Subject A was 6.5/10, so not that bad but not brilliant either. Oh well, at least one of the essays there was perfect! 

The last part of the month was to be spent organizing my computer, and well... I tried. I honestly tried, but I was so tired from the exams (I know, I know... just two subjects, not that many assignments... but it wore me out so much) that I did not do much. My desktop looks way better, and thing are mostly in the folder they should be, but I never even got near the Downloads or Images folders. Oh, well. I can tackle it again on the Odds and Ends month (I think that's December... plenty of time for my files to get really messy!)

Long story short:
  • Find or re-download, read and organize all the materials for both A and B. Done!
  • Then, study one subject every day, alternating until the 10th. Done!
  • Study subject A until the 14, while organizing all the materials needed for B's essay.
  • From the 14th to the 17th, get all stressed out studying for B and actually writing the essay.
  • Take the 18th as a free day. Breath deep, resist the urge to cry. Also, sleep a lot.
  • 19th to 22nd, prepare the presentation.
  • Morning of the 23rd: do the presentation. Afternoon and evening: breathe deep again.
  • Then, time to start with the computer organization by:
    • Organizing the Documents folder and all it's subfolders (specially the Studies one) The Studies one is done! The rest, not so much.
    • Organizing the Downloads folder. This one it's the one that gets worse.
    • Organizing the Documents folder again, because I know how I am and it will have been turned upside-down this fast.
    • If there's time, start with the Images folder.
  • Review the plan, see what worked and what went wrong. Post it to keep accountable. Doing it! 

If I had to grade my work this month... I'd give me a 7 over 10. Could be better, but at least the most important things got done, and got done right!

What have you done this past month?

Oath's Mom

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